24 May 2024

This week, our Chief Executive Officer Eddy Leviten was invited to speak at Crimestoppers’ Rewarding Partnership event at BT Tower, highlighting the essential collaboration between FACT and Crimestoppers Trust. We extend our gratitude to Crimestoppers for hosting a spectacular evening, spent with wonderful, like-minded partners, all while enjoying the stunning views from the top of the BT Tower. Eddy spoke alongside Openreach’s CEO Clive Selley and Crimestoppers Patron, Lord Ashcroft, the Founder and Chairman of Crimestoppers.

Crimestoppers is a trusted partner to over a hundred respected entities, including commercial companies, the public sector, other charities, local authorities, housing associations, and of course, police forces and law enforcement agencies to whom we provide our core service.

Crimestoppers hosts events throughout the year to celebrate successful partnerships and cultivate long-lasting relationships. These events also recognise the invaluable contributions of their partners through funding and raising awareness.

These gatherings are excellent opportunities to both recognise and celebrate the work Crimestoppers does with their partners. They provide a chance for face-to-face conversations in an informal setting and serve as a forum where business partners can meet members of the wider charity and gain a deeper understanding of the diverse work we do.

FACT and Crimestoppers work together to combat intellectual property crime, including illegal streaming and illicit vaping, by encouraging anonymous public reporting and raising awareness of these issues.

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