6 December 2006

The Federation Against Copyright Theft (‘FACT’) is pleased with the announcement by The Chancellor, Gordon Brown, in his Pre Budget Report, following the recommendations of Andrew Gowers, that stronger enforcement is needed to tackle the problem of film piracy.

We welcome the statement that there will be tighter penalties for illegal copying and piracy and the recognition of intellectual (‘IP’) crime in the National Community Safety Plan, as well as the additional funding for enforcement by Trading Standards. It is also pleasing to see that there is a recommendation in the Gowers Report for the regulation of so-called ‘occasional sales’ such as markets and car boot sales.

Kieron Sharp, FACT Director General commented: “Film piracy has been seen by some as a ‘soft’ crime yet it brings harm and other serious criminal activity to local communities. It also has proven involvement with organised crime in the UK and internationally.

FACT has strengthened its resource and capability over the past year and is now the pre eminent anti-piracy organisation in the UK.

Criminals made over £270 million from film piracy in 2005, making this the worst affected single sector for intellectual property crime out of all IP industries. This is revenue that has been lost to the local and national economy and is affecting British jobs.”

FACT works with Police and Trading Standards across the UK to ensure that those involved in film piracy are punished for their actions and we are starting to see some stronger sentencing meted out by the Courts.

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